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Items and Types

The use of Items and Types is often necessary when listening to the various states of a stillness-component.


Items are JavaScript objects that describe the content being staged. When starting a stillness-component, you can create an object like {type: "counted", data:{...}} object. This object is then passed to the component's props for use.

const spec = {
mounted: (props, contract) => {
return {
type: 'mounted'
data: {
unmounted: (props, contract) => {
return {
type: 'unmounted'
data: {
collect: (props, contract) => {
return {
isStillness: contract.isStillness(),
stillnessId: contract.getStillnessId(),

connectStillness(spec) or useStillness(spec);

Items are not required to be returned, you can choose to return anything you want


Type is a string that identifies a stillness-component of the same class in the application. Typically represented as type="card" in applications, Type is not required and can be passed via props when you have external control over stillness-components.

<Offscreen visible={visible} type="card">

Static components affect their children by default. There is no need to pass additional type values to the parent and child components when the visible on which they depend is the same.